The Basics of Home Staging

The Basics of Home Staging If you’ve been on real estate websites, you’ve probably come across the term ‘home staging’. But what is it and do you really need it? Here we discuss the basics of home staging.   What is home staging? Home Staging is the process of preparing a house for sale. Its … Continued

Here’s How You Can Sell A Defective House

If you have a property that is old and defective, you’re probably thinking twice about putting it on the market. First, will buyers even look at it? Second, will it sell at a decent price? Well the good news is, it is very possible to sell a defective house. Here are some of your options: … Continued

When to Sell Your House for Cash

There are many reasons why people choose to put their properties on the market. However, in some circumstances, the option to sell your house for cash may be the most viable option. Here are some of them:   1. Mortgage Difficulty If you are falling behind on payments and there is an impending foreclosure, the … Continued

Do I Need A Real Estate Agent to Sell My Home?

Hiring a real estate agent makes selling your home generally an easy process for you. However, one major drawback is the real estate agent commission fee, which is a huge chunk of the sale price. Now you might ask, do you really need a real estate agent to sell your home? Here are some insights. … Continued

Simple Home Improvement Projects that Increase Property Value

A lot of home improvement projects can boost the value of your property. However, not all of them are easy and cheap; some of them require expensive changes or remodels, like adding a deck, a pool, or an outdoor kitchen for example. Not everyone has the time or budget to take on major home improvement … Continued

Here’s How You Can Save Your Home From a Foreclosure

If you have been falling behind on your mortgage payments and are worried about losing your home, do not worry. It may still be possible for you to save your home from foreclosure. Here are some tips to help you.   1. Call your lender or mortgage company Be honest to your lender and inform … Continued

Multiple Showings, But No Offers?

So you decided to sell your house and listed it months ago. You got multiple showings… but it seems to just end there. Now it’s been sitting on the market for months and there’s still no sign of any offer. What gives? The only way to find out is to assess the factors that play … Continued

How Much Does it Cost to Sell a House?

The traditional method of selling a house involves several steps, and some of these steps involve fees. What are these fees for? And how much are they? Here is an overview of how much it usually costs to sell your house.   Home Preparation and Repairs How much does it cost? Each house is different, … Continued

Tips for First-Time Home Sellers

Selling a house can be a complex process and can be a daunting task. This is because there are several things to consider, especially if you want to sell it fast and for a good price. If you do not have the experience, it’s not difficult to make mistakes. And you don’t want that to … Continued

Can I Sell an Ugly House?

The short answer to the question is: absolutely! However, in a time where instagram-worthy homes sell at a premium, it can be very difficult to catch the interest of buyers if you have an ugly house, much less convince them to buy it. That’s just the reality. The good news is that, yes it may … Continued